Chowki Maa Santoshi
"Chowki" is a kind of puja in which Goddess Santoshi comes in the body of Bhagat Jee and all the disciples are able to talk to their mother Santoshi. People wait for long hours to get a glimpse and have a word with their beloved mother. Goddess have a conversation with all her followers to strengthen their beliefs that goddess is always with them and is looking at their sorrows and happines.
All of us know that we will be able to get close to the God only by following right principals and good moral values but still we follow the wrong easy tracks and forget about God and religion. In this kind of extreme environment, Goddess Santoshi has selected "Shri Santoshi Mata Mandir, Hari Nagar, New Delhi" and her presence can be felt everywhere in this mandir. Goddess is present everywhere but she can be felt only when show our full respect and trust towards her. Initially Goddess showed her presence by coming inside the body of SHRI SHAMSHER BAHADUR SAXENA JEE who sacrificed whole of his life for the Goddess. Now Mata comes inside BHAGAT SHRI AMIT SAXENA JEE who is elder son of SHRI SHAMSHER BAHADURJEE. Greatest power of this universe, devotees Santoshi is present everywhere but Maa comes in the body of Bhagat Jee only to strengthen the belief and trust in the hearts of her followers. Through "Chowki" Goddess converse with her devotees and takes all their sorrows to convert them back to happiness.s.
Goddess Santoshi is spreading her lavishness on all her followers. May goddess bless us all and guide us through the path of contentment and happiness.